在英文中,与“草”(grass)相关的单词很多,涵盖了从草本植物到与草地相关的活动等多个方面。以下是一些例子以及它们的用法: 1. **Lawn** - 指草坪,常用于描述家庭院落中的被修剪整齐的草地。例如:"I mowed the lawn on Sunday." 2. **Turf** - 可以指自然生长的草地或人工草坪,常用于体育场地的上下文中。例如:"The football game was played on artificial turf." 3. **Meadow** - 指自然生长的草地,通常伴有野花,常用于描绘田园风光。例如:"We picnicked in a beautiful meadow." 4. **Sod** - 指移植的草皮,常用于园艺和景观设计。例如:"We laid sod in our backyard to quickly establish a lawn." 5. **Hay** - 指干草,通常用作农场动物的饲料。例如:"The farmer stored hay in the barn for the cattle." 6. **Pasture** - 指牧场,即放牧家畜的草地。例如:"The cows are grazing in the pasture." 7. **Weed** - 指杂草,通常是不需要或不想要的植物。例如:"I spent the afternoon weeding the garden." 8. **Blade of grass** - 指草的单片叶子。例如:"Every blade of grass was covered in dew." 9. **Reed** - 指生长在湿地的高大草本植物。例如:"The reeds swayed gently in the breeze." 10. **Thatch** - 指草屋顶或草地表面的死草层。例如:"The old cottage had a roof made of thatch." 11. **Herb** - 虽然通常指香草或用作调味的植物,但也可以指任何草本植物。例如:"Fresh herbs like basil and thyme were added to the dish." 12. **Grassroots** - 在非字面意义上,指基层或基础层面。例如:"The movement started at the grassroots level." 这些单词展示了“草”在英文中的多样性和广泛应用。